All systems go for Banchory and Deeside u3a
Banchory & Deeside u3a Inaugural Meeting Thursday 15th September Banchory Town Hall
For those of you who expressed an interest in joining the new Banchory and Deeside u3a, our Inaugural Meeting will be held on THURSDAY 15th SEPTEMBER (doors open 1pm for prompt start at 1.30pm) at Banchory Town Hall.
You will meet our team of enthusiastic volunteers on the Steering Group who have put themselves forward to help get the u3a up and running.
We hope to be able to announce a full Speakers programme for the next few months as we aim to have our monthly u3a get-togethers with refreshments and a guest Speaker at Banchory Town Hall on the second Thursday of each month, starting on October 13th at 1.30pm till 3pm.
Our Groups-Co-ordinator will give an update on the interest groups, both those ready to start and the ones which are still to be set up, and you will be able to sign up for these on the day. For more groups to run, we do need members who are not only keen to join a particular group but would also be willing to help plan and co-ordinate the group's activities.
If this is for you, then please come along and be ready to pay the membership fee of £15. As well as giving you access to our monthly meetings and interest groups, this sum includes a subscription to the national magazine ‘Third Age Matters’, issued five times a year; plus a fee to the main u3 office which provides a range of services to u3as.
Please bring along your cheque book or the exact amount in cash to pay your fee on the day. You will receive a receipt for this payment. Our bank account has been authorised but electronic transfer is not yet available so on this occasion, we ask that you pay by cheque or cash.
Do come along if you can on Thursday 15th September to Banchory Town Hall. Doors open 1pm with prompt start at 1.30pm.